#In this script, we are going to import a Shapefile (ESRI)
#and then export a KML file for google earth
#June 27, 2013
#Make sure you are in the right directory where your file is
#KNOW YOUR PROJECTION - in this case, we all know the gps units were in
#WGS84, and we're okay with that
#load necessary packages
#first read the shapefile - in this case, locations of pan traps for EAB work
YPT30<-readOGR(".", "YPT_points_1_30")
#You can plot it, to see if the import worked
#see if it has any attributes to worry about
#Now export this as KML
#make sure to include any attributes we want to have stuck to the points
writeOGR(YPT30, dsn="YPT30.kml", layer="YPT30", driver = "KML")
#and then export a KML file for google earth
#June 27, 2013
#Make sure you are in the right directory where your file is
#KNOW YOUR PROJECTION - in this case, we all know the gps units were in
#WGS84, and we're okay with that
#load necessary packages
#first read the shapefile - in this case, locations of pan traps for EAB work
YPT30<-readOGR(".", "YPT_points_1_30")
#You can plot it, to see if the import worked
#see if it has any attributes to worry about
#Now export this as KML
#make sure to include any attributes we want to have stuck to the points
writeOGR(YPT30, dsn="YPT30.kml", layer="YPT30", driver = "KML")